Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow day!

I woke up this morning and flipped on the tube first thing to see if last night's ice was enough to close the schools. - yes it was! I felt like a kid, excited that I would be closed in my house with the weather's permission not to have any responsibilities today. Maybe I'll get some cleaning done and I can bake something, oh I'm feeling very domestic today.
Normally, I can do without this kind of weather but I just really needed this time to be quiet and not have to run anywhere. Sorry for those of you that have to get out in this regardless but I'm going to be a little selfish and say "Hooray for the snow day!!!"


Granny Annie said...

Hooray, Hooray, it's One "L" Michele! I'm very happy to see that you have a blog. Did you know that retired persons have "snow days" every day? Love you too!

Daphine said...

I'm ready for some snow too! My girls are praying for snow each day so they won't have to go to school! lol!

Enjoy your snow day!